Koerner, Peter USMC, Delta Company, teams WEST ORANGE, MAYFLY '67-68. Picture of Pete taken on Hill 425.
Delta 68/69
Doc. David Snider
Bad Asses
FNG-1st patrol
Dong Din Comm Bunker
Incoming Wounded
Resupply Dong Din
Laos from Dong Din
Dong Din Garden of Eden
Dong Din "The Garder of Eden" Shitter
Danang Catholic church
DaNang street ao dai
DaNang street
Doc. David Snider
1st Recon Delra Co. 68/69
Coming back from China Beach
Doc Snider with his St Christopher '68
serving our country
Doc. Snider orders trans to 1st Med
Photos by Doc. David Snider Click Here for more photos
Your Photos are welcome
If you have original 1st Recon Battalion photos or stories from 1966-1971 and you would like them posted in this book. Please email them to me or send them to us at http://www.1streconbn.comYour photos and stories. Will be posted in this book and our website. Plesase include your name and any information about yourself and your photos that you would like included with posted stories. I'll be working on part 2 of this book in a year or two. Our website is update each month. Any suggestions for site inprovement are appreciated.