| North High School Class of 1966
| |
Linda J Evjen-Olson |
Passed away on Feb 7th, 2013
| Olson, Linda J. age 65, of Rogers, passed away Feb. 7 surrounded by family. Survived by loving husband, Jay; son, Ryan (Leisa); granddaughter, Kendall; sister, Diane (Dan); sister-in-law, Lynne (Al); nieces, Kari (Corrie), Jodie (Steve); cousin, Ray (Carol). Private family service.
Published in Star Tribune on February 10, 2013
Linda Evjen-Olson |
Last Update
Passed Away 2-7-2013 |
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Business Website
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We are so very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Tom, Cara, Amelia, & Alicia Utecht
Jay, we are sorry for your lose. May God bless you and your family in this time of sorrow.
Jim and Mary Bagwell
Ryan and family,we send our deepest sympathy to you all. You will always miss her,but the memories will be sweet. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Roger, Kathy, Brian, and Lindsey Sprague.
Olson family, I am so sorry for your loss. Linda was such a great woman. Ryan, know that all of your friends grieve with you, as Linda was like a 2nd Mom to all of us growing up. It comforts me to know that when I arrive at the pearly gates, Linda will be there, offering me something to eat.
I know its tough, but take comfort in hear memory, and as always, reach out to us if you need anything.
RIP Linda. You will be missed.
Ryan, Leisa & family we hope that you are comforted by your mothers beautiful memories during this difficult times. Our sincerest sympathies to your family & we will pray that your hearts begin to heal.
As We Grow Older
Author Unknown
A little more tired at close of day A little less anxious to have our way A little less ready to scold and blame A little more care of a sister's name.
Now we are nearing our journey's end Where time and eternity meet and end And so we are traveling down the way That leads to the gates of a better way.
A little more laughter, a few more tears And we shall have told our increasing years The book is closed and our prayers are said And we become part of the countless dead.
And so we are going where all must go To a place the living may never know Thrice happy if then some soul can say "I'm better because she passed my way."
Class of 66' |
The Road Less Traveled
by Kit McCallum
How often we must bear the challenges of life; The endless roller coaster between happiness and sorrow; The constant ups and downs of daily strife. And always the question remains .... why?
Life is not an easy road for most; It twists and turns with many forks in the road, Although always, and inevitably, we are given a choice ...
Do we turn to the right ... or the left? Do we take the high road ... or the low road? Do we take the easy path ... or the difficult one?
Decisions are not easy for those struggling for direction ... And sometimes the many choices and signs become overwhelming.
While standing at a crossroads in life, The urge is to take the most comfortable path; The road with least resistance ... The shortest or most traveled route.
And yet, if we've been down that comfortable road before; Have gleaned its lessons in life, and learned from our experiences;
Do we yet again follow the known? Or does our destiny lie in another direction?
The fear of the road less traveled is tangible and all too real; It manifests itself in many ways, And tends to cloud the issues that might otherwise be clear.
It is in these times of confusion, That we must seek peace and solitude;
Time to contemplate on our life, Our experiences and our choices past; Time to look back, and reflect on what we have learned Without fear or confusion.
For only each of us knows our own personal thoughts; Our unique past and personal history; The experiences that brought us to the crossroads we now face.
We can always learn a small degree from others experiences, And yet ... no one person can walk in our shoes, Others know not, the trials and tribulations faced in private ...
For each is individual ... unique ... and personal.
And that is why ... while standing at a crossroads, Only "we" can formulate the decision for ourselves; The true direction that lies within; The choices we must deliberate on with clarity and wisdom.
For it is only through personal reflection, That we can now choose our destiny; ... Our next adventure; ... And the future we will embrace.
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